英文の和訳にアドバイスをお願い致します。 With Canada leading the way, the former president hopes the U.S. will soon federally legalize marijuana also, so all NAFTA partners will be on the same page. "The world investment going into Canada is incredible, the development of corporations like Khiron professional with millennial people from Columbia, Canada is doing an extraordinary job in approaching market. So everybody is moving and now is the turn of Mexico and it should happen within this year," said Fox.私の和訳ですがかなり苦戦しておりまして。。。汗 『前大統領は、カナダが先頭に立って大麻の合法化を進め、米国もまもなく連邦法によっても大麻を合法化し、NAFTA加盟国が皆それに続く事を期待しています。 「(大麻が合法化された)カナダへの世界的な投資は信じられないほどで、Khiron professional社のような企業の発展とコロンビアから来たミレニアル世代の人々は、【市場へのアプローチにおいて並外れた仕事をしている。皆が動き始めています】今はメキシコの番です。今年中に大麻の合法化は実現するはずです」とフォックス氏。』という感じです。。。 特に、【市場へのアプローチにおいて並外れた仕事をしている。皆が動き始めています】という部分に非常に違和感を感じます。 当該文章の前後ですが。former president Vicente Fox to talk about legalizing marijuana. He is 76 years old, but at that age Vicente Fox is still going strong. At his presidential library in his hometown of San Cristobal in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, Fox is now helping the cannabis industry as legalization in Mexico is on the horizon. "United States is slowly legalizing, so they are up to 30 states now that have approved medical use. Only six states have approved recreational use, but you have north (of the United States) another member of NAFTA that went for the whole enchilada. So full approval nationwide for both medical and recreational. Canada has become the champion of the world of cannabis," said Fox. With Canada leading the way, the former president hopes the U.S. will soon federally legalize marijuana also, so all NAFTA partners will be on the same page. "The world investment going into Canada is incredible, the development of corporations like Khiron professional with millennial people from Columbia, Canada is doing an extraordinary job in approaching market. So everybody is moving and now is the turn of Mexico and it should happen within this year," said Fox. In Mexico, news media have questioned why the former president has put so much effort and support into the legalization of cannabis, some saying it may be because he uses. We asked if he ever tried cannabis, CBD or THC? "No, I have not, but I am tempted to do it one of the days, because I am learning a lot for the first time. I'm understanding the real benefit that this plant brings to people in medical use," said Fox.という内容でして、前メキシコ大統領のフォックスさんがメキシコでの大麻合法化に大賛成で、大麻を合法化することによって麻薬カルテルの収入源を断つ事も税収のアップもみこめる。。。etcという内容です。 語学の堪能な方からの和訳、翻訳するさいのアドバイスなど頂けましたら幸いです。 何卒、宜しくお願い致します。
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