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People, futures and places open the interpretation of
Respect topic towards the contemporary challenges, as
identified with the SDG - Sustainable Development Goals -
by UN (www.globalgoals.org).
The ultimate goal of design – and all the related work a
designer brings to the table – is to improve the world and
people’s lives. Getting dressed, moving about, entertaining
ourselves, telling stories, thinking, living in our homes:
these are just some of the things we do as a matter of habit,
but which have the ultimate aim of making us feel better,
whether individually or collectively. The goal of sustainable
development is to improve individual quality of life and at the
same time to improve the collective condition of the planet.

Develop your project based on one of the objectives
stated in the Brief:
Identify three design products (material or immaterial,
physical or digital) of the last fifteen years that has
contributed to increase the level of respect towards
individuals, genders, minorities, cultures, environments and

Select one that’s relevant to the specific undergraduate
course you’re interested in and comment the reasons behind
your choice.

  • 質問者:keumdong
  • 質問日時:2019-11-22 18:05:29
  • 5


